Senior Economist
Iman Al-Ayouty
The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies
Ph.D., Economics, Cairo University, 2009.
M.A., Economics, Cairo University, 2003.
International Economics
Development Economics
Senior Economist at the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, 2010 - Present.
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Economics, the American University in Cairo, 2010.
"The Effect of Privatization and the Restructuring of Public Enterprises on Export Potential: the Case of Textile and Apparel Manufacturing in Egypt and in Poland.
" Hemispheres Studies on Cultures and Societies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Centre for Studies on Non-European Countries. 19: 13-42.
"Efficiency and Industrial Upgrading from a Global Commodity Chains Perspective: the Case of Textile and Apparel Industry in Egypt and Mexico" Presented at a conference.
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